Using Backtracking DFS on a Tree Structure

Using Backtracking DFS on a Tree Structure

Depth-first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. The algorithm starts at the root node and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. In this post, we'll delve into using the DFS algorithm on tree structures and understand it using the provided Java code.

1. DFS on Binary Tree

The first method, dfs(Tree t, int level), is designed to perform DFS on a binary tree. Each node has a value, a left child, and a right child.

How it works:

  • If the current tree node, t, is not null:

    • Print indentation based on the current level.

    • Print the node's value.

    • Recursively call the dfs method for the left and right child, increasing the level by 1.

Test Case Function - dfstest1:

The function dfstest1 sets up a binary tree and calls the dfs:

   / \
  2   3
 / \ / \
4  5 6  7

When the procedure is called, the DFS traversal prints:


2. DFS on Generic Tree

The second method, dfs2(Tree2 t, int level), is for trees where each node can have multiple children.

How it works:

  • If the current tree node, t, is not null:

    • Print indentation based on the current level.

    • Print the node's value.

    • If the node has children, iterate through each child and recursively call the dfs2 method, increasing the level by 1.

Test Case Function - dfstest2:

The function dfstest2 sets up a tree with multiple children for each node and calls the dfs2 method. The tree is represented using a general tree model.

When the method is called, the DFS traversal prints:



DFS, particularly with backtracking, is a powerful and versatile algorithm to traverse tree structures. As demonstrated in the given code, with slight modifications, you can use DFS for binary trees and generic trees. The key idea is to explore as deep as possible along a branch before backtracking to explore.

In real-world applications, such depth-first traversal can be used in scenarios like parsing expressions, solving puzzles, and more. Adjustments can be made to the code to cater to specific use cases, such as searching for a particular value or performing actions at each node.

To see the algorithm in action, run the "main" function and observe the printed output. The indentation helps visualize the depth and structure of the tree, showing the path the DFS algorithm takes as it traverses the tree nodes.