[Software Dev 1 💻]

[Software Dev 1 💻]

🌟An introduction to new software development practices 📚

💫How does ANT help with building management? 🤔

  • 🎆ANT provides hundreds of predefined tasks 📆, which help users to automate the build lifecycle. 💻

  • 🎆ANT defines the project structure through the custom dependencies, which the user 🧑‍💻specifies in the file "build.xml" 📁.

💻System Tuning

💻System tuning is an iterative process of optimising an application 🖥️ using the following steps:

  1. 🌟Determining a set of criteria ✅

  2. 🌟Check if the system's performance is acceptable 📄

  3. 🌟Identify the potential bottlenecks in the application 🧑‍💻

  4. 🌟Modify the bottlenecks.

  5. 🌟Measure the performance to determine whether to repeat the cycle 🔁.

Determining the bottlenecks 🚨 before optimisation allows developers to focus their optimisation on vital code sections 📑. Fixing 🔨 the critical points improves the program's efficiency the most, which helps to minimise the technical debt 💰.

📆 Developers have better time management with system tunning because critical points allow developers to prioritise fixing essential bugs 🪲.

📂Git Status

A working file 🗃️ has the following statuses in Git:

  • "Untracked" - When a new file is created such that it hasn't yet been updated to the repository. The file leaves the "untracked" area after a developer adds it to the staging area.

  • "Unmodified" - After committing files from the staging area, they become "unmodified". Files could leave the state when a developer edits them.

  • "Modified" - A tracked Git file has been changed but not staged for the next commit.

      git checkout --filename

    The command above discards the changes and reverts the file status to "unmodified".

      git add <filename>

    The command moves the modified file onto the staging area.

  • "Staging Area" - a platform where modified files wait before being committed to the repository.

      git commit

    "git commits" 💻 - updates the staged changes and moves the file status to "unmodified".

Upcoming update 🔊: "delete" and "ignore" states. 🧑‍💻


🗃️Two-way Integration

🗄️Three-way Integration

More Updates are incoming! 🔊🔊🔊
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